Embark on a Waiheke adventure this season with exclusive discounts and experiences at 47 participating businesses and unlock a treasure trove of savings valued at over $3,500 for only $60!
Looking for things to do right now, or planning a trip to the Island? Explore some of Waiheke’s best cafes, boutique shops, wineries, and adventure destinations that are open right now below
There's plenty of ways to get around on Waiheke Island, but our 'trusted taxis' service ensures that you'll be booking a taxi with a verified local operator who'll get you to your destination safely and for a reasonable price. View the 'trusted taxis' operators below or look out for the symbol when jumping into a taxi.
There are so many great places to explore on Waiheke Island. Check out some businesses below and click through to explore them.
There are so many great places to explore on Waiheke Island. Check out some businesses below and click through to explore them.